Monday, September 24, 2012

Save the date! The 3rd Annual Inland Northwest Nonprofit Conference is February 7, 2013!

The 3rd Annual Inland Northwest Nonprofit Conference is just around the corner.  This year's conference theme will be Programs and Sustainability. This will be a full day event offering 11 classes covering topics such as grants, marketing, sustainability, and finance. A happy hour on location will follow adding more opportunity to network with other nonprofit professionals.
Mark your calendars for:
February 7, 2013 from 8 am - 4 pm 
(Check-in at 7:30 am / Happy Hour at 4 pm)
Location: Spokane, WA  (Exact location TBA)
Be sure to subscribe to AE's blog to stay in the loop on registration, classes, and dates as they become available. Also, visit our website for more information.