Monday, November 30, 2009

Tips on Donating During the Time for Giving

The end of the year has approached us and there are several nonprofit organizations that are in need. As an individual and/or a company there are many factors that can play a role in your giving objectives. This is entirely a personal decision and cannot be swayed in any direction based upon one issue alone. However, here are some things to consider when choosing where you allocate your funds and some guiding tips:

1. Do you want to support local needs or reach a wider demographic? Often your local, smaller nonprofits can easily get overlooked yet have a great need and return it straight back to your local community. Run a Google Search for your area, example "Spokane Nonprofits", or check with a local chamber, or call AE to help provide direction.

2. Folks will typically look at a charity's overhead percentage to quickly determine if they allocate their money wisely. This is not a tell-all factor and is not an accurate litmus test. Call the charity or drop them an email and ask where your donation goes! Then use your judgement from there. Understand that charities have to run similar to businesses in our current era and do need operating support...this is often the hardest funding to attain, yet the most valuable in building a better nonprofit org.

3. Do check that your donation is being made to a 501(c)3 and obtain a receipt for tax-deduction purposes. Ask to be put on their email/mailing list for updated communication on their efforts. This helps you as a donor stay informed.

These tips will help guide you on your giving during this wonderful holiday season and in the future!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Northwest Heating & Cooling has an updated site!

AE Consulting re-wrote the copy for NWHC's web site! Check it out. We tightened up the content, added in some optimization strategies, and are excited to see the results. We'll do an analysis of the site in few months to track the progress. Stay tuned...

Friday, November 13, 2009

New Client: Affinity Investments in Tacoma, WA

AE is looking forward to working with Affinity Investments Inc., a commercial real estate firm based in Tacoma, WA. Affinity is in their 3rd year of business and has hired AE to provide guidance on developing a marketing mix to support their growing business! Keep an eye out for

Friday, November 6, 2009

C.A.S.T. wins $1000 from Renton Rotary

AE was told today that their grant request was honored by the Renton Rotary and C.A.S.T. for Kids will receive $1,000 toward its programs!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

New client: NW Heating & Cooling

AE has brought on NW Heating & Cooling as a new client! Owner Christine Day has hired AE for web-based marketing support and research for Women Owned Business grants and contract prospects. We are excited about our partnership and the projects ahead. Welcome NW Heating & Cooling.