The Kids in Need Foundation’s annual teachers grant is now available through September 30, 2011. The grant provides K-12 educators with funding to support creative classroom projects. Awards range from $100 to $500 each and typically 200-300 grants are awarded each year. All certified teachers working in public, private, charter, or parochial schools are eligible.
There are three sponsorship applications to choose from, which can be found here. All teachers that apply will receive a package of poster making and bulletin board supplies (worth $25).
What The Foundation is Looking For
- Innovativeness and merit (40% of evaluation)
- Clarity of objectives (20% of evaluation)
- Replication feasibility (20% of evaluation)
- Suitability of evaluation methods (10% of evaluation)
- Cost effectiveness (10% of evaluation)
A Hypothetical Project
Let’s say a teacher wants to integrate as part of their classroom curriculum NW Public Television’s Dr. Universe, a public television and online series, currently in production, that provides scientific education to youth. That teacher could apply for this grant requesting funding to purchase DVDs for their classroom to support an established learning outcome. Because the DVDs can be used in future classrooms, the project’s replication is feasible, which is a quality sought after by the Foundation.
To see what projects have been funded in the past, visit The Guide to Award Winning Projects. However, remember that they are looking for new and different ideas.
Important Things to Remember
- The grant funds projects, not programs. Projects are usually not more than a few weeks long at most.
- The grant awards are based on innovativeness and educational value, not need.
- Only one application per project is allowed; however, you may submit applications for as many different projects as you want.
- Take your time and read the guidelines. The Managing Director, Peggy Hawk, has encouraged applicants to contact her if they’d like her to review their project.