Friday, December 30, 2011

Conference Session: Succession Planning

Speakers: Jason Swain, Jason Swain & Associates, LLC, and Diane Quincy

Jason Swain, of Jason Swain & Associates, LLC, brings over 13 years of professional experience in organization development, training, and executive and corporate coaching. He has brought his expertise to mid- to large-size, publicly held companies as well as nonprofit organizations.  Using validated, research-based processes and tools, Jason helps clients discover and use their signature strengths in service of something greater than themselves.

He will be joined by Diane Quincy, who has over thirty years of experience in human resources, organization and leadership development in the private sector. She has facilitated nonprofit board retreats and strategic planning, provided training and coaching for board and staff members, and has assisted with the director recruitment process. Diane has an MBA from Eastern Washington University and has taught leadership and team development at Gonzaga University as an adjunct faculty member.

By the end of this session, participants will:
  • Understand the basic value systems and characteristics of the four generations in the workplace today;
  • Be able to identify potential clash points between generations;
  • Learn strategies for working more effectively across generations;
  • Understand an important framework for engaging and developing current and future leaders of any generation; and
  • Identify potential strategies for accelerating development of high potential individuals as part of a succession plan.
Join Jason and Diane at the 2nd annual Inland Northwest Nonprofit Conference – Leadership Series held Thursday, February 16th, 2011, at the Spokane Masonic Center. For more information visit the AE website.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Conference Session: Board Management and Development (for Executive Management)

Speaker: Don Chalmers, SparrowHawk Consulting Company, Inc.

For the past 40 years Don has worked successfully with groups of people in a wide variety of settings; from small “encounter” groups to audiences in the hundreds.  He has served as the Executive Director of a number of nonprofit organizations including a higher education foundation and a health care system foundation and has been a member of several non-profit boards.  As a seasoned consultant, he’s collaboratively worked with scores of Executive Directors and their Pacific Northwest nonprofit boards to help their organizations grow, develop, and flourish.

By attending this session you will:
  • Learn innovative, creative, and proven strategies to build a board of directors;
  • Develop a clear understanding of a board’s roles and “job” within the organization;
  • Review the skills and tools needed to perform those roles;
  • Understand funder expectations of nonprofit boards; and 
  • Learn how the board contributes to the sustainability of your organization.
Join Don at the 2nd annual Inland Northwest Nonprofit Conference – Leadership Series held Thursday, February 16th, 2012, at the Spokane Masonic Center. For more information visit the AE website.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Conference Session: Human Capital Management

UPDATED Speakers: Pam DeCounter, Red and Associates and Adam Borgman, YMCA/RSVP

Pam has 25+ years of experience in small business management and Organizational Development / Human Resources consulting. She has both managed and owned her own businesses, and served as an organizational development consultant for businesses and franchisees in the construction, manufacturing, banking, hospitality, professional services, non-profit, and healthcare industries.
Pam has served as an adjunct professor at Gonzaga University and her Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership. Adam has worked in volunteer management for the last seven years and currently, with RSVP of Spokane County, is responsible for volunteer program management which includes general recruitment, interviewing, orientation, and placement of senior volunteers to serve in community agencies.  

This session will cover areas that help us understand why human capital is a major success determining factor, yet not typically an organizational priority. We’ll discuss:
  • Methods for attracting and retaining great talent (specifically performance mangement)
  • How generational communication differences play a role
  • Who’s responsible for effective human capital management
  • Basics of volunteer management
  • Recruitment messages, barriers to volunteering
  • And much more…

Join Pam and Adam at the 2nd annual Inland Northwest Nonprofit Conference – Leadership Series Thursday, February 16th, 2011, at the Spokane Masonic Center. For more information visit the AE website.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Conference Session: Endowments and Planned Giving 101

Speaker: PJ Watters, Director of Gift Planning, Inland NW Community Foundation

PJ Watters assists donors and professional advisors to achieve donors’ philanthropic goals. She has a Master’s degree from Whitworth, 10+ years development officer experience, and 20+ years leadership experience in nonprofit organizations, including Group Health, Morning Star, Red Cross, Heart Association, and Chase Youth Commission.  PJ has completed courses at Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, including Principals and Techniques of Fundraising and Planned Giving.

At the end of the session participants will be able to understand and better articulate answers to the following:
  • What is an endowment?
  • How do you know when you are ready to establish a true endowment?
  • What is your Board’s fiduciary responsibility?
  • Who manages the investments and what is a good “asset allocation”?
  • How do you determine your spending policy?
  • What are the best ways to build your endowment?
  • What is a community foundation and how can they support you in this effort?
Join PJ at the 2nd annual Inland Northwest Nonprofit Conference – Leadership Series held Thursday, February 16th, 2012, at the Spokane Masonic Center. For more information visit the AE website.