Thursday, July 26, 2012

Need your input for 2013 Conference

Planning for the 3rd Annual Inland NW Nonprofit Conference is underway and we need your input!

The 3rd annual Inland NW Nonprofit Conference will take place next February 2013. The 1-day educational and professional development conference is the only capacity building resource of its kind locally and welcomes those within the public, nonprofit, philanthropic, and academic or education sectors. 

Up to 12 educational classes, several networking breakouts, and a keynote plenary presentation will comprise the day’s events. Classes cover topics in finance, grants, marketing, leadership, and  much more! Scroll through this blog to see what has been offered in the past. 

By the end of August, we'll wrap up our intake of community market research. If you are someone that may be interested in attending this event either in 2013 or sometime down the road, let us know what class subjects you would want available! Let us know about the trends and topics you're faced with and how our educational services and materials can support you. 

Copy/paste the link below into a new browser and contribute to the very short survey: