Stacy is Program Manager for the Community Health Assessment, Planning, & Evaluation office at the Spokane Regional Health District, serves on the SRHD’s Public Health Standards & Accreditation Review team, and is current co-chair of the Quality Council. Additionally, she serves as one of three regional liaisons for the Washington State Department of Health Performance Management Centers for Excellence, developing and delivering trainings and technical assistance to increase performance and quality management capacity of local public health departments. Stacy has her Master of Health Policy & Administration from Washington State University and her Bachelor of Science Degree in General Biology from Eastern Washington University.
This workshop includes an overview of performance and quality management with specific emphasis on the importance of making data-driven decisions via ongoing performance measurement and monitoring. Stacy will share the experience of SRHD and introduce steps organizations can take to move forward with development of their own performance management systems, providing some examples of performance management frameworks that can be used by nonprofits.
From this workshop participants will learn to:
- Describe at least two vital reasons for performance management and reporting
- Identify steps to implement performance management
- Review at least 2 models of performance management that can be used by nonprofits
- Understand the importance of measurement to support a performance management system
- Understand the different types of performance measures and how they are linked
Join Stacy at the 3rd annual Inland Northwest Nonprofit Conference – Programs and Sustainability Series, held Thursday, February 7th, 2012, at the Lincoln Center. For more information visit the AE website.